Downloading the game may help with look speed. Should run just fine in WebGL.


You, yes you! Go for a walk through caves, grasslands and other places. Just keep your eye out for the Curfiddle.

How To Play

Walk AroundW, A, S, D
Look AroundMouse
AttackLeft Mouse Button
Jump or Speed up DialogSpacebar
Skip DialogLeft Shift


Curfiddle 44 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

thank you, I enjoyed playing your game.

no issues playing in the browser for me.

the plot is funny about the kids and the school bus drivers.

took me a while to figure out how to beat the last scene at the school cafeteria.

did quite well and finished the game.

I would be happy to see more scenes. 


I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Did my best to keep it optimized and enjoyable. Depending on what happens might expand the story a little. But no promises yet.